the pink one

This Sunday is the third in Advent and in liturgical churches up and down the land, while most other normal people go shopping, someone will be lighting a pink candle, aka ‘the pink one’, for Gaudete (Rejoice!) Sunday. When someone used to mention pink, I would think of girls’ tutus, or sugary nougat, or a…

advent poem (ii)

We tripped, and falling forward into Advent we blundered into waiting, unprepared the altar purpled; candles spluttering a welcome for the hesitating king.   As candles marked the time we took to walk the plodding path, something unfolded there: our ancient fathers knowing floods would come prepared to sail to a different home and prophets…


I wonder what Jesus would have made of the season of Advent. In one of his contretemps with the Pharisees, when they were busy observing correctly religious practice, he defended his disciples picking ears of corn on the Sabbath. Simply, they were hungry, food was available, what’s the problem? On another occasion John’s disciples asked…


Who doesn’t love a bit of purple? It took me a long time to appreciate the Anglican predilection for liturgical colours. Once pieced together, however, and I was away. Purple is long associated with royalty, richness, penitence (hence Lent), funerals and, in my mind, cold end of autumn days, and of course Advent. A long…

comes advent

Why begin at the end? Advent comes at the end of the calendar year and yet it begins the church year. I always find myself feeling a little bit more sober as it approaches. It’s almost as if I need a season to prepare for Advent, preparing as it is itself, for Christmas…a sort of…